Kristina berry

Hello! how are you today? I'm sorry for any inconveninence that I may have cause right now. I'm really getting fascinated with what I'm seeing right now on your page . Please I want you to send me a friend request, so that we can be friends here on Facebook. You have so much personality that really

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Frederic Cartier

Frederic Cartier
12 septembre 2021 21:47 (Europe/Paris)



Paris, France métropolitaine

Conditions météo

Partiellement couvert
18 °C
9 km/h
14 °C/23 °C
Premier croissant

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Kristina berry

Hello! how are you today? I'm sorry for any inconveninence that I may have cause right now. I'm really getting fascinated with what I'm seeing right now on your page . Please I want you to send me a friend request, so that we can be friends here on Facebook. You have so much personality that really