Italy Street Fishing Game - Adria

Italy Street Fishing Game - Adria


🇮🇹 Italiano

Con l'arrivo del 2019 torna in scena la massima manifestazione italiana dedicata alla pesca urbana, "Italy Street Fishing Game - 20.01.2019" Si conferma la città di Adria teatro di battaglia, 60 squadre, formate da tre persone, per un totale di 180 pescatori, si sfideranno alla ricerca di Siluri, Lucioperca ed Aspi.

Otto ore di competizione, scandite da 2 checkpoint, l'intera manifestazione, come nella recente edizione estiva, sarà gestita dalla app FishFriender. Numerosi e prestigiosi premi in palio tra cui, per i primi classificati, un soggiorno, di tre giorni, con permessi e guida di pesca a Rotterdam (volo escluso).

In occasione dell'evento i main sponsor della manifestazione, T3 Distribution e Pro Tackles - Molix, esporranno in loco una rassegna di attrezzature, tra cui le ultime novità del mercato, contestualmente ad alcune interessanti spiegazioni e dimostrazioni tecniche.

🇬🇧 English

With the arrival of 2019, the highest Italian event dedicated to urban fishing returns to scene, "Italy Street Fishing Game - 20.01.2019" The city of Adria is confirmed as a theater of battle, 60 teams, made up of three people, for a total of 180 fishermen, will compete in search of Wels, Zanders and Asps.

Eight hours of competition, marked by 2 checkpoints, the entire event, as in the recent summer edition, will be managed by the FishFriender app. Numerous and prestigious prizes to be won including, for the first classified, a stay of three days, with permits and fishing guide in Rotterdam (flight excluded).

On the occasion of the event the main sponsors of the event, T3 Distribution and Pro Tackles - Molix, will exhibit on site a review of equipment, including the latest news on the market, together with some interesting explanations and technical demonstrations.

🇫🇷 French

Avec l'arrivée de 2019, l'événement italien le plus important consacré à la pêche urbaine fait son retour : "Italy Street Fishing Game - 20.01.2019" La ville d'Adria est confirmée en tant que théâtre de bataille, 60 équipes, composées de trois personnes, pour un total de 180 pêcheurs, vont s'affronter à la recherche de silures, sandres et aspes.

Huit heures de compétition, marquées par 2 points de contrôle, l’ensemble de l’événement, comme dans la récente édition estivale, sera gérée par l’application FishFriender. De nombreux et prestigieux prix à gagner comprenant, pour la première équipe classée, un séjour de trois jours, avec permis et guide de pêche à Rotterdam (vol exclu).

À l'occasion de l'événement, les principaux sponsors de l'événement, T3 Distribution et Pro Tackles - Molix, exposeront sur place un aperçu de l'équipement, incluant les dernières nouvelles du marché, ainsi que des explications intéressantes et des démonstrations techniques.