How to contact the FishFriender team

A problem with the app? Need help? You have a suggestion? Want to start a partnership? Just want to talk?

A problem with the app? Need help? You have a suggestion? Want to start a partnership? Just want to talk?

We're here for you!

The easiest way to contact us is to open the FishFriender app, and then:

  1. Open the Profile tab
  2. Click up right on the settings button
  3. Click on the menu item contact us
  4. Send us your message, describing your problem or suggestion or other...

This method is by far the easiest for you to contact us, and will allow us to answer quickly.

If you cannot go through the app for any reason, feel free to email us at [email protected], or to reach out using our social media accounts: Facebook or Instagram! Whatever the channel, we will do our best to answer as quick as possible.